The compiler is a program that is used to change the source code that was written in a particular language into another language. The transformation of the source code is necessary in order to create an executable program. This is very useful nowadays since there are so many operating systems nowadays, that it is necessary to have a compiler to make it possible that the program runs on particular computers. This is known as a cross compiler. The compiler has a number of uses. It can be used to do lexical analysis, parsing, code generation, optimization and many others.
A compiler comes with different parts. They help in transforming or bridging the high level language into a machine readable code. What it does is determine if the syntax of the programs across is all correct, create an object code, organize the run time and format an output depending on conventions. It consists of a front end where semantics and syntax are checked. This is also where the type checking is being done. When the program enters the middle end, the optimization will occur and here, the useless codes are removed. The back end is used to translate the IR from the middle end. The variables will also be selected for particular registers.